
Opening of Uiab-Oas Crystal Market Daures Constituency

Participatory development planning at regional level involves many types of stakeholders such as urban and local communities, community-based organizations and the private sector.

The level of stakeholder participation varies greatly depending on how serious the approach is, and may range from minimal involvement like information-gathering or consultation, to more active forms such as identifying, prioritizing and designing the development programme/ activities.

The Directorate: Development Planning and Development Serivces of the Erongo Regional Council (ERC) prides itself in the current involvement of stakeholders but concerned efforts are made to ensure the long-term involvement and ownership of community members in programmes directed at creating jobs and thereby improving the quality of life of the community.

In this regard various tools such as consultative meetings have been used to enhance participatory development planning. Success also requires research in order to assist development decision-makers to learn about local needs and preferences in order to plan locally-appropriate interventions. This is definitely a field that the Directorate will pursue and exploit in the years to come.

The types of projects or programmes the ERC carry out are:

The types of projects that are implemented are:

  • Infrastructural development
  • Construction projects
  • Social development projects
  • Service designs
  • Town planning and surveying
  • Rural electrification programmes.

During the 2010/2011 financial year the ERC attended to the following programmes and projects:

1      Rural Electrification Programme

During the year under review, the following settlements were supplied with electricity:

1.1    Karibib Constituency


In the Otjimbingwe Settlement, the Otjimbingwe Farmers’ Association, the Okaruze Informal Settlement as well as a few street lines were supplied with electricity.

Electrical supply to a building allocated for the Ditsâ Needlework project was also established.

1.2    Dâures Constituency

The farming settlements of Gai-!Naes and Kandaris as well as Ozondati were supplied with electricity.

1.2.1 Ozondati

The Ozondati farming settlement, with its small pre-primary school, was supplied with electricity almost a year and a half after the project was completed. The Okongwe settlement, although prioritized for off-grid electricity in the original master plan, has not yet been supplied with electricity due to the size of the school, community and the distance from Omatjete. This will be entertained in the new 2012 master.

1.2.2 Omatjete Water Reticulation Project

A new water network was installed during this period. The community experienced minor problems, but which were amicably resolved by the consultant. Water Master Namibia also trading as Integrated Management Solutions, as the preferred water prepayment meter supplier, was appointed on behalf of KL Construction (the main contractor for the project) to do the additional yard meter supply and installations, which were completed by October 2010. Water Master Namibia addressed the shortcomings in terms of household connections.

1.2.3 Otjimbingwe and Okombahe Staff Housing Programme

The proposed plots and ground contours in both Otjimbingwe and Okombahe settlements were surveyed by Pieterse Land Surveyors and designs for the cost calculation were finalized by Karen Miller Architects, as the Principal Agent for the project. The project went out on tender and was allocated, however construction will only commence in the 2011/2012 financial year.

1.3    Swakopmund Constituency Office

Construction of the offices commenced in the previous financial year. Although scheduled for completion in the 2010/11 financial year, several setbacks delayed the issuing of a practical completion certificate.

The main setback was the unsolved electrical supply which remains an issue to be addressed between the Erongo Regional Council, Swakopmund Municipality and Erongo RED. Site inspections between October and November revealed sub-standard work not done according to specifications and the contractor is to correct where needed. The project is still under construction but will only be completed in the next financial year.

2.     Micro Finance for Rural SMEs in the region

During the period under review, three projects were funded under the Rural Micro Finance Programme. The projects are as follows:

Project Name                                                                        Amount allocated

Ei-tsama Omkhaisen Brick-making project                    N$ 34 956.50

Orara Craft Group                                                                 N$ 72 613.70

Ditsâ Needlework project                                                    N$ 14 721.50

TOTAL AMOUNT:                                                                N$ 122 291.70

3.     HIV/Aids Response

The HIV and AIDS section resorting under the Directorate of Planning and Development Services, is responsible to develop, introduce and implement programmes to strengthen stakeholder participation and to reduce the infection and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The main activities the section undertook during the financial year are:

3.1    Support Group visits and workshops.

3.2    An outreach programme for District Aids Committee (DAC)      management and a stakeholders’ workshop.

3.3    Development of an outreach programme for traditional and church Leaders.

3.4    Implementation of the Community Capacity Enhancement      Programme.

4.     Food for Work/Cash for Work Programme

During the year under review the following projects were implemented under the Food and Cash for Work Programme:

Project Name Amount allocated
Ovihitua P. School Hostel Project N$25 436.60
SA-AIS Water Point N$5 973.35
Ovihitua Water Supply Line & Machine Shed N$9 553.15
Okaruze Water Point Fencing N$6 092.63
TOTAL AMOUNT: N$47 055.73

5.     Support to the Constituency Development Committees

One of the functions of the Directorate of Planning and Development Services is to support the Development Committees to ensure their effective functioning. As a result the Directorate visited and supported the development committees throughout the financial year. During the support visits, the functions and roles of the committees were clearly explained to the respective committees. The Directorate also attended all development committee meetings to provide advice during such meetings.

6.     Ad-hoc activities

 7.1    Trade fairs and expos

To exhibit and market the Erongo Regional Council and the Erongo region at large, the Directorate together with the Directorate of Administration participated at the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair, the Windhoek Industrial and Agricultural Show as well as the Erongo Trade Expo.

These platforms offer the Regional Council an opportunity to showcase its mandate and network with businesses/institutions in other regions with regard to regional development opportunities in the Erongo Region.

Staff members present at the shows handled public enquiries. Interest was shown specifically in the products of the small miners as well as other mining and investment opportunities. Corporate items were distributed to members of public who showed interest.

7.2    Local Economic Development Conference

Officials from the Directorate of Planning and Development Services attended the above conference, aimed at Local Authorities, Regional Councils, Ministries and Agencies. The conference among other highlighted the advantages and also disadvantages of making use of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) as a means to local economic development and employment creation as well as capacity building within Small and Medium Enterprises in Namibia and elsewhere.

Academics and other experts from Southern Africa and abroad in their presentations reflected interesting issues such as participation and consultation with communities and the understanding of community livelihoods. They also highlighted the importance of feasibility studies to be undertaken before services are brought to communities.

The purpose of these conferences is to create platforms where various stakeholders locally and around the globe may share lessons and experiences.