Head Office

Visitors to Swakopmund are once again able to stroll along the entire length of the iconic Swakopmund Jetty

The headquarters of the Erongo Regional Council is situated in Tobias Hainyeko Street in Swakopmund, where the Council Chambers is accommodated.

The administration of the Erongo Regional Council is headed by the  Chief Regional Officer.

The Erongo Regional Council has two directorates.

The Directorate: Planning and Development Services is responsible for strengthening development-planning capacities, coordinating plan preparation; project and programme management as well as evaluating performance of projects. Furthermore, the Directorate is also responsible for the overall planning framework and to assist with and evaluate regional planning activities.

The Directorate aims to uphold the principles of participative development planning thus striving to give people a say in the development decisions that may affect them and to ensure that development interventions are appropriate to the needs and preferences of the population that they are intended to benefit.

The Director: Planning and Development Services is supported by a Deputy-Director: Planning and Deputy-Director: Rural Services plus their staff.

The Director of the Directorate: General Services is assisted by the following support services, each with a Deputy-Director in charge: Administration, Finance and Human Resources Management plus their staff.

The offices of the seven Constituencies also play a supporting role to the Erongo Regional Council as well as the provision of services in their respective constituencies.

The Erongo Regional Council Structure has a number of 125 approved posts in the 2011/12 financial year. During the 2011/12 financial year 6 positions were filled bringing the total of filled posts to 92 of which 47 are filled by females and 45 by males.


Mr. M. Ntelamo Chief Regional Officer 410 5729 (064) 410 5701 (064) cro@erongorc.gov.na
Mr. M. Kamwi Acting Director: Administration & Finance 410 5730 (064) 410 5701 (064) mkamwi@erongorc.gov.na
Mr. S. Mubila Acting Director: Development Planning 410 5718 (064) 410 5701 (064) smubila@erongorc.gov.na
Mr. M. Kamwi Deputy-Director: Human Resources Management 410 5714 (064) 410 5701 (064) mkamwi@erongorc.gov.na
Mr. G. Salyani Deputy-Director: Administration 410 5717 (064) 410 5701 (064) g.salyani@erongorc.gov.na
Ms. D. Cloete Deputy-Director: Finance 410 5750 (064) 410 5701 (064) dcloete@erongorc.gov.na
Ms. L. Daniel Deputy-Director: Rural Services 410 5716 (064) 410 5701 (064) ldaniel@erongorc.gov.na
Mr. S. Mubila Deputy-Director: Development Planning 410 5718 (064) 410 5701 (064) smubila@erongorc.gov.na
Ms. D. Van Rensburg Acting Deputy-Director: Technical Services 410 5721 (064) 410 5701 (064) dimari@erongorc.gov.na